Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bunkasai 2006

Here is the entrance to Isahaya High School's Bunkasai (one of the several festivals here lately) - "Bunkasai" is a cultural festival, and I was amazed at what was offered at the one hosted by the "Kanko" (IHS nickname) students. The students practiced their routines and performances well into the night each evening after school, and though they must have been tired on the day of the festival, you'd never have known it to see them!

1 comment:

Gina said...


Oh hon!! You are so in my thoughts today.

I miss her... but I can't imagine what you are feeling.

Love and hugs and prayers and whatever else you need--seriously.

But you will have to call or email me--'cause my computer blew up and it (along with your contact info) is in California.

I'd imagine you are over the ocean somewhere...

Let me know when you land.

Gina ;~}