Thursday, December 21, 2006

North Pole (Dancing)

Is this as Christmas as it gets? Sunday I was in Fukuoka and, after a brief snow, I was fortunate enough to go to a Catholic Mass in English! Though, I didn't see any Advent candles, and, if that was pink that the priest was wearing, "pink" must've been lost in the translation over here. Oh well. Better than nothing. THEN we went to a Christmas party sponsored by the Fillapino association - very genki people, but I think the party - a family affair - was held in a night club. Notice the pole (for - ?) in the middle of the dance floor there - oh, wait - sorry - in this photo the gang dancers in their camo pants are obscuring your view. Low tables that looked like dice, several bars, mirrored ball, and they even had the "Kill Bill" DVD on the monitors (fortunately it didn't get past the opening menu). Ohmigosh. Right. Well, then - ! I hope you all are settling into your Christmas routines alright; I know most of you - if you haven't already - are soon heading out of the office and into whatever festivities await you. I'll admit to having to fight a chilly depression that seems to be constantly threatening to sweep over me at almost every turn here - I just want to scream. But I know it's not the Japanese people's fault - they simply don't know Christmas. SO - I've decided to try to turn this wicked depressing energy back on itself and use it to plan a Christmas Eve open house at my little tatami apato. Won't be quite like my parties back home, of course, since I'm lacking most of the familiar ingredients for such an affair, but, I'll make do. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, please send me warm thoughts and hugs (can't remember the last time I had one!). -txo


Anonymous said...

sorry to read you're a bit down in
the dumps, but being so far from
home, etc. it's understandable. I
know your party will be a "SMASHING" hit, even if you are
able to locate only a few of the
ingredients mentioned in the Christmas Part Eating Tips msg. sent earlier. MERRY CHRISTMAS to
you and a truck load of hugs and

Anonymous said...

Merry, Merry Christmas, Trace!!

I was just thinking about a couple of your parties... especially the one in Margate with Lori and Craig and the massive box of paper...

Christmas has a way of digging up all sorts of emotions--up and down--and sometimes it is best to just go with it. There is nothing more foreign than the first Christmas without your mom--might as well have the funky-weirdest one ever.

Here's hoping you find some comfort and joy--if only because you know that all the bells and whistles of the holiday will be here when you get back.

Until then, the warmest virtual hugs I can muster!!

Gina ;~}

Anonymous said...

Hard to remember time difference. We here in the good ole U.S.A. are still waiting for Baby Jesus and Santa to arrive (approx. 9PM EST, 12/24)while all that has taken place in Japan. Can't wait to read about all the fun stuff from your party. 1st msg is actually from me also. Bunch of Love, Hugs & Kisses.