Last week was "Golden Week" and I actually had a few days completely off - when I didn't have to come to the office at all! We had smashing good weather on Wednesday & Thursday, so I headed over to Unzen to hike around and enjoy a nice onsen bath. So - here is what I found on one of my hikes - this lovely shrine - I can only guess - devoted to fertility. There was an accompanying one of its female counterpart appropriately tucked away in a little cave nearby. Once again, kanji/nihongo wo yomemasen, yo - and sorekara - I really have no idea what this was about.
I'm also excited because when I was hiking around Unzen, I found a really nice campsite on a lake. Since I just invested in a decent pack and tent, I can't wait to get back out there and try them out.
OK, desu - time to go home - it's now 7 - ack. Oh - and NO, this is not anyone I'm dating (his loss, ne?) No - he's just an - go figure! - English teacher who lives in Nagasaki. But it was nice to be able to speak English :)
Don't forget you can always click on a photo to enlarge, but, then again, sometimes too much of a good thing really is - TOO much of a good thing, yo!
You bringin' that back for your Japanese Garden project???
It would be--er, um--
never mind.
The picture says it all.
Figures I would get YOU to respond! lol!
Hope you're not as HARD UP as I am...
I don't know - it would be a nice feature in a garden, ne? I hear there is/are bigger one/s on the island of Iki...I'll report back once I can confirm or deny such allegations...
Ooohhhh... perhaps a collection? Wonder if Martha would feature it in her magazine.
Not to brag--well, that's not true; I am all about bragging--but I am seein' a fabulous boy right now. He is no where near as impressive as your statues and assorted veggies, but he is man enough to admit it.
I'll un-hijack your comments, now. :)
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