Thursday, December 11, 2008

mind games...

In case you're not crazy enough with the holiday season, here are a couple of things to get your brain working...

What do these really mean?

  1. Lang4uage
  2. Flubadence
  3. o_er_t_o_
  4. T.....I.....M.....E abdefghi


Anonymous said...

WaaaaY Tooooo Early in the a.m. to have to think.... 8o)

Tracey said...

hmmmm....too hard?

Anonymous said...

well tis not like its a math problem :o)

Tracey said...

yeah - it's more of a FOREign language problem...

but that's OK, because I can be a bit of a bad INfluence at times...

I'd hoped trying to understand me would be a PAIN less 'operation'

However, I guess after all this, I'm sure it'll be
"long time no see"...

Anonymous said...

OH....its one of those types of mind games ~ ~ ~ 8o)