Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the wait is over...

Drum roll, please....

I passed the JLPT*!


*The Japanese Language Proficiency Test has 4 levels, Level 1 being the best.

I never took Level 4, but decided to "challenge"

Level 3, 三級, さんきゅう

"sankyuu" last December.

Apparently... miracles DO happen!

Thanks for the prayers! (^,^)/


Anonymous said...


Congratulations!! All your hard work paid off. Now you can apply for a job at Morikami Museum in Delray!!

Enjoy each day and keep smilin'


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That must have been quite an accomplishment for you. I am so proud of you. Now you can do anything.
Love, Aunt Louise

Anonymous said...

8o) A Most Excellent Accomplishment Tracey, Most Excellent!!! Cheers to you, your hard work and dedication!!!

Big HUG!!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very proud of you. You obviously didn't pick up your love for or skill in learning languages from me.


Anonymous said...

This doesn't mean you're staying in Japan, though, does it? :-)

Anonymous said...

haha..this is her last year I believe, she has to come back this summer whether she likes it or not. The JET Programme is just that, a program, it ends unfortunately.

Tracey said...

Well, actually, although my annual contract ends this August, my school wants me to stay. I can technically stay another two years on JET, but I feel it's time to move on to the next big thing :)

Anonymous said...

I C..How many years will you have been there this August? So bigger and better things, what's up next for Tracey? Hoping you are successful in whatever you choose to do.

Anonymous said...

You getting become Japanese!!
That's sound nice!!