Welcome to the life of an ALT (assistant language teacher) in Nagasaki. I started this journal when I visited Japan in 2004 with JFMFTP, then continued it when I returned as a member of the JET Programme in 2006. Enjoy!
I just got some new fish for the summer season. At the summer festivals, children play a game called "kingyosukui" -they try to catch goldfish with a paper scoop! You don't have to work too hard to have fun with my fish, though - just move your cursor over top of their pond & click to drop them some little treats :)
I've been in the mountains with the ichinensei for the past few days...yesterday we hiked a decent sized mountain (Taradake, maybe?) - and here are some of the kids from class 1-7. I'll write again when I can move :)
Come on seriously, its been 9 days...Jon
Wow - I didn't think anybody noticed I was gone...
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