Friday, January 30, 2009

BUT....all complaining about having to wear ear muffs around the house ASIDE...

Sometimes we really get lucky and get doused with beauty...

The other day we went up into the mountains and ate at this soba restaurant. Afterwards we cleaned the old art museum you see here...


Anonymous said...

How's my favorite JET? Very cool pictures. As the home of the longest running Superbowl Party is no longer operating, I was wondering if you had heard of any alternatives?

If not are you up for creating a super of the moment Superbowl Party?

Tracey said...

You crack me up. To be honest, I'd completely forgotten about the Super Bowl until I was doing some research on slogans for my "Let's Make a Commercial" project with the students. I caught several of the previous years' SB commercials, and the JTE that was watching them with me couldn't believe how great they were (considering she only had Japanese commercials to compare them to???). I never really see any TV - American or otherwise, but I hope you enjoyed/will enjoy the game!